Showing posts from category: news

Los Claxons | Grabando Nuevo Disco
Los Claxons han comenzado a trabajar en lo que será su 6to. álbum de estudio, el día de ayer la banda regiomontana se instaló en esta que es su casa, donde estarán grabando durante poco mas de un mes y medio su nueva producción de la que esperamos escuchar noticias muy pronto. ¡Bienvenidos Claxons!

Las Delailas | Grabando su primer disco
Damos la bienvenida a Las Delailas. Este dúo regiomontano ha comenzado esta semana a trabajar en su primer material discográfico, la producción se encuentra a cargo del ganador del Grammy y Grammy Latino Alan Saucedo y Mauricio Sánchez vocalista y guitarrista de Los Claxons. Les agradecemos su confianza y les deseamos mucho éxito en lo…

Pesado Live 5.1 VOL 2
De parte de todo el equipo de trabajo de El Cielo, agredecemos a nuestro compñaero y amigo Abelardo Rivera y nuestros amigos de Pesado por permitirnos servirles nuevamente. “Pesado Live 5.1 Vol. 2” ya es una realidad. Les deseamos mucho éxito y esperamos tenerlos en casa nuevamente para sus futuros proyectos.

Welcome Pesado!
On behalf of the team at El Cielo Recording Studio, we would like to welcome our friends of Pesado. We appreciate your trust and we are honored that you have chosen to work once again in our studio to do the mixing of your new album We wish you great success and we’ll welcome you…

Un Día de Sol, will be out this July the 2nd 2013. elcielo Recording team wishes Los Claxons the best of success and will be waiting for them on their next adventure! Un Dia de Sol was for sure an experience for the books. From elcielo family: Thank’s for the chance to dust off the…

Studio Mood
The magic of a good recording studio happens when the vibe simply flows and all the tools work in sync to amplify the feeling and energy of the artist. It is pure magic living the process of creation. How something is created from nothing, how something that was conceived by inspiration gets carefuly sculpted and…

Los Claxons Day 1
VideoBlog by : MovicTV MovicTV is documenting all progress on this production and they are publishing updates periodically on their YouTube channel

Welcome Thom Russo
After an extensive overhaul of the studio, it’s time to bring it to its paces in the real life. The results are fantastic! The new 2013 production of Los Claxons is the first project that flows to the veins of the freshly updated studio. We are concentrating in amplifying the strength that an analog heart…

Testing Time
This marks is the beginning of the testing phase of our maintenance period. Preliminary tests are going smoothly and sounding as good as new! Once session tests are done, we will be ready to start our first project of the year with Los Claxons following with some Movic platform projects that are set to begin…

It’s that time of the year again. We are overhauling our facility. Cleaning, tuning, repairing and aligning everything so that it’s ready for our next major production of Los Claxons. We are also introducing our new web page. We plan to keep everything more up to date here. It’s still a working progress but since…