It’s that time of the year again. We are overhauling our facility.
Cleaning, tuning, repairing and aligning everything so that it’s ready for our next major production of Los Claxons.
We are also introducing our new web page. We plan to keep everything more up to date here. It’s still a working progress but since the studio dedicated most of the time to private projects from Movic, we spent more time in the real world and less time in the virtual. We hope to keep this page up to date with fresh news and with the latest equipment additions.
Some major changes can be expected for this 2013. First the studio will be primarily use for Movic and friends. Some projects can be accommodated but this has to be discussed on a project by project basis. Feel free to contact us.
Let us know what you think!
Some pictures for you:
- Faders
- Modules
- Overview
- Cleaning Deep
- Details